
Showing posts from June, 2022

Now You See Me...

 Happy Pride! Welcome back to my blog, where as long as there's bi discourse online, I'll be trying to turn it into a silly crossword theme. I actually had the general concept for this one a year ago, but it took me until recently to nail down a solid theme set (and to have the gridding skills to make this work with a vertical revealer).

In other crossword news, if you happen to know anyone who's a Skokie Public Library patron and wants to learn how to make crosswords, I'm leading a library event next Thursday (aimed at true beginners) where I'll demonstrate how to make a puzzle. I also have a themeless dropping next week with Inkubator that also has a bunch of queer content, so now's a great time to subscribe to them if you're looking for more puzzles to do for Pride!

Thanks to my sister for test solving. Enjoy!

Direct Crosshare link | Puz file