It's All Falling Apart!


Yes, this sock I made did require 16 different strands of yarn

Welcome back to A Crossword Rose, where I have something special today--my first ever NYT submission, which, as is so often the case, became my first ever NYT rejection. I shopped it around a little bit and got some really great feedback from editors, but it's been long enough that I think it's time to post this one.

I made this puzzle last August, based on a theme I had over a year ago (before I even started constructing) when I was knitting a ton of socks (see photo). I've updated and livened up a small handful of clues, but otherwise, this is pretty much what I sent in then, so the clues probably are much closer to a mainstream style than this blog's normal absolute nonsense quality content. You may also notice that this grid was made before I learned to make a grid with an "appropriate" number of black squares or 3-letter entries, but honestly, I love the fill enough that I don't think that matters.


  1. When you receive feedback is it more re cluing or construction? I haven't started solving it yet, I do print and paper.

    1. Most of the feedback was theme-related, since that tends to be the deciding factor for whether they take a puzzle like this, though my NYT rejection pointed out some of their favorite fill in the puzzle (which was great to read). I don't think anyone said anything about cluing.


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