I Wanna Rock

 Sometimes a puzzle is made with a lot of love and care over the course of several weeks. Sometimes you go to a museum, have a silly theme idea, and churn out a puzzle in a few hours. Last week's Where There Never Was a Puzzle is the former, and if you haven't yet done it, please go solve it! This puzzle, as you might have guessed, is the latter (and I'm really hoping it doesn't overshadow the last puzzle, but I can be terribly impatient when it comes to posting puzzles).

The reason that this became a blog puzzle is that, after I had finalized my theme set, I discovered that two of my theme entries appeared in a 2003 New York Sun puzzle. I'd definitely never seen the 2003 puzzle before starting this one, and I looked at it just long enough to verify that it did in fact use those two theme entries (and didn't use my other two!), so I promise this was just a case of there only being so many possible 15-letter entries that fit the theme. Still, given that, it didn't seem right to try to submit this theme to any publication, and I was having enough fun with it that I didn't want to scrap it entirely, so I decided to make it a quick little blog puzzle with some fun and silly clues.

Thanks, as usual, to my sister for a quick test solve.

Puz for the bots | Direct Crosshare link


  1. Fun puzzle! Super-clean grid and definitely my kind of humor.


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