
Showing posts from May, 2024

choked up, burnt out, face down

Happy Friday, everyone! I'm finishing out my semester (which is not relevant to the puzzle, just good life news), and I'm here with a midi for you today. This started out as a pretty standard themeless but at some point while trying out different fill options, it became to clear that this was going to be a blog puzzle. The final puzzle is still mostly a themeless, just with a minitheme/light tribute puzzle elements. Other than that, it's definitely a good old A Crossword Rose blog puzzle with probably too many fill in the blank clues, a semi-deep cut Dropout reference, and (for a slight change) one or two NSFW clues.

This has not been test solved, so let me know if you spot any typos or if you like the puzzle. If you have any non-typo complaints, feel free to keep them to yourself.

Puz | Crosshare